War for what

A song I have hesitated to publish, because well.. It’s about something bigger than me and my own emotions.. If you comment on this, you need to know I do not support neither the brutality of IDF or the cynicism of Hamas… But in the end, I will ALWAYS be pro for the human race to find better solutions than war, bloody war. That is a hill I am willing to die on!



Since the dawn of man..?

Since history was written down..

We’ve been pitted against each other..

Do we murder each other just because we so easily can..?

How can we pretend like we didn’t all come from the SAME first woman and man?

How can we forget that the human race is really one big family..?

I say this as a crazy person: War is the very definition of complete and utter INSANITY


Why can’t we live in peace?

Why can’t we solve our damn shit civilized?

Is any war worth it when you take into account how many lives were sacrificed?

Why do we resort to violent solutions that doesn’t really solve jack shit, 

We throw in bombs and tanks and mines that just escalates it.

Hate breeds hate, that’s just the nature of it.

We teach our children not to kill each other,

then they grow up and we make them join armies-

Can someone please make sense of it?

You want war, but for what?


We’ve fought each other since sticks and stones.

Now we’re at the point where our bombs are even melting bones..

Can someone tell me how this is using wit?

Can someone please, please, please make sense of it?

You want war, but for what?


I saw this little girl from Gaza on the news, she said

«When people die they don’t come back»

and you can argue against Hamas or IDF

but you can’t argue against that.

And what kinda world do we live in when the children,

not their leaders- are the ones spitting facts?

All I know, is a life you take you can’t give back,

so I’m just asking:

War, war, war, but for what?

One more time, say it with me: War for what?


So these old men in power, they need soldiers, they sacrifice the young.

Someone else’s child, forced to face the gun.

For glory, for land, for revenge- for the old wicked man,

but I’m just asking, how is it worth it in the end?

The dead remain dead, we’ll never bring them back again.


So I’m just asking: War, war, war, but for what?

War for what?

All I know is, every life that is sacrificed, is a life you can’t give back..


So war, war, war; but for what?

War for what?!

The dead remains dead, and even if you win your war- they don’t come back.

They don’t come back!

How do you send people to war, like their lives are just sitting on a shelf..?

It should be a written rule that if you start a war you gotta fight in it yourself!


War, war, war, but for what?

War for what?

War, war war




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