Losing my religion

Jeg tåler mye. Uansett hva folk måtte tro, uansett hva folk måtte tenke om denne psyken min som slår sprekker innimellom, smellene jeg går på, manier og psykoser jeg går gjennom, dager jeg ikke mestrer, tingene jeg ikke får til.


Jeg tåler mye. Jeg har tålt mye. Er det en ting jeg skulle ønske folk forstod om psykiske lidelser, så er det at ingen har en psyke som er laget av stål, akkurat som kroppene våre ikke er det.


Jeg tenkte det mange ganger i løpet av oppveksten, «det som skjer nå, ødelegger noe i meg». Man merker det liksom, at noe inni en blir til tomme hull som man ikke klarer å fylle selv. At man får sår som skraper helt inn til beinet. Og som barn så må du nesten bare marsjere videre i livet, selv om deler av deg føles ut som de har gått i tusen knas.


Jeg tåler mye, men noen ganger stopper det opp og alt låser seg, og jeg må se alle de ødelagte delene mine og at jeg ikke klarer å fikse dem, jeg mister håpet og motivasjon og drivkraft, jeg klarer ingenting lenger annet enn å overleve, og jeg hater meg selv for det.


For jeg vil bare klare noe som har verdi, i et samfunn der man forventes å bidra og prestere, jeg vil bare det.


Jeg vil ikke alltid være den som noen får betalt for å hjelpe. Jeg vil ikke alltid være den som ikke får til. Jeg vil ikke bare være pasient, ufør, hjelpeløs, håpløs.


Og jeg vil ikke føle denne følelsen som har vært med meg så lenge jeg kan huske. At jeg er verdiløs.


Jeg har ikke tid til å ramle ned i dette jævla hullet som er depresjon igjen!!! Jeg vil ikke ha denne smerten jeg ikke klarer å lokalisere eller gi slipp på, men som likevel sprer seg og fyller meg opp fra topp til tå. Jeg vil ikke tenke på alt som har gjort vondt, jeg vil ikke tenke på fortid som jeg ikke får gjort en dritt med, og jeg vil ikke at det skal prege meg sånn som det gjør. Jeg vil ikke være så her ødelagt!! For jeg klarer ikke å bli den jeg vil bli, og jeg klarer faen meg ikke å gjøre noe som helst som har en verdi.


Jeg har ikke tid til dette her, til å bare overleve mine egne tanker og følelser og minner og traumer. Det har gått så alt for mange år ned i det jævla depresjonshølet allerede, og der skjer det ingenting.


Jeg vil skyte det ødelagte barnet jeg bærer inni meg i hodet. La meg bli en fungerende voksen, for faen. Ta alle minnene og sårene dine og forsvinn. Jeg orker seriøst ikke å bære på deg lenger. Vil ikke tenke på deg eller føle det du følte lenger. Herregud, la meg starte på nytt. La meg gi slipp på alt, og starte på nytt!


Det går faen ikke når du klamrer deg fast til skjelettet mitt!!!


Jeg klarer det ikke, klarer ikke å drive ut den delen av meg som gjør meg selv vondt. Ikke med blod, ikke med svette, ikke med tårer, ikke med ord.


Ikke med ord engang, selv om jeg har brukt hele livet mitt på å få dem rett for meg selv. Det eneste jeg kunne stole på at jeg har, som er der for meg uansett.


Jeg trodde på dem som religion en gang. At hvis man bare fikk dem rett, og til rett person så ville man kanskje bli reddet. Og når det ikke fungerte så trodde jeg at om jeg bare fikk dem riktig for meg selv, så ville jeg klare å redde meg selv.


Og jeg tror det knekker meg hver gang, når jeg kommer til det punktet at jeg må akseptere at så mye makt har de faktisk ikke.


Og når jeg går tom for ord, går jeg tom for håp.



Welcome to the slaughterhouse

You and me, like oil and water

Don’t hand over your heart so easily,

I was not made for love babe

I am only built for slaughter


Do you want pain, or do you wanna feel alright

I can give you both

So welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight

Yeah, welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight


These hands, they touch good

But if I touch anything for too long

Then they reach for the axe and now you look like wood

And it’s so unfortunate that you still know your ways

around my hood


Do you want pain, or do you wanna feel alright

I can give you both

So welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight

Yeah, welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight


Guess I’m just hydrophobic

I don’t mix, and every problem we have is a problem we just can’t fix

Still can’t help it, we don’t mix somehow that’s erotic

And truth is, most of my actions are just straight up idiotic

and I do tend to just not think at all

So I drink until you’re dry

But then it’s back to hydrophobic again

when you break down and cry


This tongue may be silky smooth

But if I use it for too long, it turns poisonous

And just because it felt so damn good

Doesn’t mean it’s healthy for either one of us

And it’s so unfortunate how we keep talking when there’s really nothing more we can discuss


I really do hate myself

The way I can talk myself in and out

I’ve lost my self-respect, and now I’m straight up disrespecting you

Can’t believe this is what I am about


I’m sorry, I’m depressed, I’m fucking suicidal and I forgot all about stuff like being nice, being human, being someone’s sister, friend or daughter

Just keep your heart locked up, babe

’Cuz I was never made for love, no

I was built for slaughter

Yeah, that’s the sad truth babe

I was built for slaughter


Do you want pain, or do you wanna feel alright

I can give you both

So welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight

Yeah, welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight



When I’m gone

I’m sorry that my mind is such a dark place, and the words that breeds from that darkness should probably not see the light. But they are the tools I have to keep myself alive, and honestly I don’t know anymore if that is a good thing or a bad thing, because while they keep me alive they do not set me free either.. And that is all I want, to be free. Free from myself, most of all. Is it only death that can grant me that freedom..? Am I capable of thinking and feeling in a way that does not torture my soul..? I don’t know.



My world is imploding

I’m just waiting for my inner demons to press the button, have my brain exploding

Taking the reins of my fragile mind

and turning me into a raging machine

So I can handle being alive


No more of this

I can’t force myself through another day

I know you don’t understand

My mind and its wicked ways

and when I’m gone, be honest with your last words

And say it like it is; I wasted all my days


I know you expect me to keep pretending

I’ve played this part for you all my life

Well, I ran out of lines

I’m done being your prop, I’m done with this performance

I can’t keep ignoring all the signs

I can’t suppress all the bad memories, when I keep stepping on them like mines

And yeah, they do still blow up in my head from time to time


No more of this, no more of anything

These four walls are slowly closing in

I know you don’t understand, you don’t ask and I can no longer tell

All I know is I’m not feeling well

and when I’m gone, be honest with your last words

and say it like it is; Now I’m burning in hell


I don’t want to lose touch with reality

but I can’t cope with it much longer

I don’t want to sacrifice my sanity

But that’s the only thing I can do to make myself a little bit stronger

I take these pills, I’m faking smiles, I drag myself through the sleepless nights

and when the day arrives I just turn around and close my eyes


Just be honest with your last words, for once in your life

Say it how it is, I wasted all of mine

All the way up to the final deadline

and no one in the room is really feeling sad

’Cuz I was the blackest sheep, and I was always some kind of bad

and I blew up every chance that I had


And then you bury me, and I won’t feel a thing

No, I won’t feel a thing..

and that’s all I ever wished for, that’s all I ever wanted

That’s what I dreamed of, above all or anything

For my mind to be silent, and to feel.. nothing


The one thing that remains

Back and forth and back again

From friends to foes, then friends again

These default dynamics, I hate it but not enough to replace..

Never know what I feel like, kissing you in french or just punch you in the face


I can’t let go

No, I can’t let go

Was thinking that I know what I needed to know

But it’s just this one thing that remains

And now I realise that it’s keeping me in chains


Push and pull and breaking up

Drinking cyanide from the cup

It’s so fucked up, it’s toxic, we both had enough

So why is life when we part ways so effing rough..?


I can’t let go

No, I can’t let go

Was thinking that I know what I needed to know

But it’s just this ONE thing that remains

And am I only holding on because I’m forced to by these chains..?


I’m sorry I’m the one

I don’t like who I’ve become

Pissed when you’re around

but missing you when you’re gone

and you sure ain’t the only one

That says shit that rubs wrong


It’s just that this is the one thing that remains

And in split seconds, it’s alright

But that moment always comes and goes like a lightning bolt, and then it’s back to having stupid fights

and I’m sure we both feel the weight of chains

’Cuz after all, in both our screwed up lives

This is the one thing that remains

It’s the one thing that remains

The one thing that remains..


These chains, these chains, these chains..



The difficult conversations I can just have in my own head

For the record, I hate all the songs I’ve written lately and I don’t want to feel any of this.. But I can’t help that I do 😞


It’s not like I’m trying to shut you out

All my life I’ve placed all my faith into words

But lately I’ve been feeling doubt

Silence is a language too

More powerful than words at times, huh

You sure don’t understand the words I shout

So when I’m around you now I just close my mouth

I had too much faith in the words I spoke or wrote

Now I’m thinking I only get them wrong

So they choke up in my throat


Oh, but living lately makes me feel like dying

And I know it must seem like I am not even trying

Truth is, if I made it to the top of the world

I would still be her inside me, that little invisible girl

And something tells me I’d never reach so far I could earn a place in your heart

Even if I made it all the way to the sun

So where’s the point in trying to shine

No, I’ll just burn out

I just burn out..


It’s not like I’m building a wall

I’m just done knocking on yours

All my life, I fought so many wars

All my life,  a résumé of locked doors

But you don’t see it at all

And then you get offended

Because I do not call

but lately I’ve been looking at my phone

and thought to myself me and the words; We’re done

I regret pretty much each word I spoke or wrote

Let them linger in my throat to choke


Oh, ‘Cuz living lately has felt more like dying

and I know you think I ain’t even trying

Truth is, if I conquered the whole damn world

I’d still be her, that invisible little girl

and something tells me I got it all wrong from the start

So I’ll never earn a place in your heart

Even if I made it, all the way to the sun

There’s no point in trying to shine

All of me is made up by darkness

I’ll just burn out.. Burn out

and maybe in the end

I have finally become.. Heartless





All the bridges burn

And I’m just watching, with a cigarette in hand

I always had a feeling that the blood that bound and now break us

All this time, it was really gasoline

And it makes so much sense now

That you seem more and more like a machine


I know you think I’m completely useless, that I’m weak, that I’m dumb

I’ve reached that point now, where the pain just makes me numb

and to be frank, I’m back to wishing I’d die soon

and I no longer love you

all the way to the moon


You judge me for fucking with thugs

Well, you can all shut up

At least I’m not on harder drugs

And how was I supposed to know my worth?

All I ever learned

Is that love leads to hurt


So ‘Scuse me while I fight for my sanity

I’m done fighting for a place

within this screwed up «picture perfect» family


All the bridges burn

and I’m just watching with a cigarette in hand

I always had the feeling that the blood that bound and now break us

All this time, it was really gasoline

and it makes so much sense now

how desperately we’re all searching

for some form of medicine


All the years that went by, could not force us back into place

I loved you to the moon, until I got lost in outer space

And now the puzzle is missing pieces, and I have pushed you all the way to the border

I guess the last straw broke when I got this bipolar disorder

So I let the gasoline burn, as I watch you twist and turn

You can’t pretend, it shows and I know

Don’t feel bad, ‘Cuz I feel numb and I’m ready to let you go

I let you go


This picture perfect family

that has it all in order

and I will live and die alone

with this bipolar disorder

Yeah, ‘till the day I die

It’s me and this bipolar disorder


’Scuse me while I fight for my sanity

Yeah, ‘Scuse me while I

fight fight fight

for my sanity

But I am done, done, done

fighting for a place

Within this picture perfect family

So let the bridges burn until you’re free

Your silence always spoke so damn loud

of how you never wanted me


Gasoline, all this time..

All the way to the moon

It was gasoline