You just died my dear




Talking to the dead beats talking to the wall

Lately I haven’t been talking much at all

People come and people go

It’s been 21 years since you died

Still I miss you so..


I just need you to know..

Is there a way these words can reach you?

You never failed me

You never betrayed me

You just died my dear

and I still love you

like I did when you were here

I still love you like I did when you were here!


It’s hard, being alive sometimes

I feel like I’m living in a cage of crimes

It’s true what they say, it’s the best ones who dies

If I said I was grateful that I’m still alive, it would only add to my lies

Bat dad, I really do try..


I’m so scared, that in the end you didn’t know

I loved you so deeply, but in the end- did it show?

You never failed me

You never hurt me

You just died my dear

I love you so much

That was always my worst fear

That you would die before me, my dear


I sometimes think that I buried my heart with you

When you died, I wanted to die too

Living on, that was so fucking hard to do

If I still have a heart, it’s been split in two


I just need you to know

Some things I just can’t let go

It was me who failed you, you know

I still cry because you aren’t here

Cry because you died and I wasn’t there

You never failed, you never hurt me

You just died my dear

You just died, my dear


I want you to know your kids are doing mostly alright

I see parts of you in all of them

and you know that mama always did believe

One day we all will meet again..

(Who knows, she could be right)


Sleep safe forever, I still hold you near

My love for you will never disappear

Take care of the part of my heart that belongs to you, my dear


..and dad, I really do try



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