Today was a ‘no effort’ day, you know- can barely bother to brush my hair and teeth- kinda morning. But it’s okay, ‘cuz I went swimming! I’ve mentioned it before but it’s such a huge step for me! I’ve had so much anxiety, and a lot of it has centered around how insecure I’ve been about my physical appearance (I probably had Body Dysmorphic disorder, it was so severe). I think I’ll try to do this once a week for a while, swimming is a really good exercise to start with after such a long inactive period, it’s easy on the joints and there is something about being in water that just feels very.. Zen, is maybe the right word.
Let’s not talk about my sans makeup face, I’m NOT a natural beauty that’s for sure!
I’ve been thinking of doing a no spending month, that means NO shopping for february (obviously food and bills, but nothing else). The only thing is I’ve got my eyes on a pair of really affordable earrings from H&M, I saw them in store months ago but I’ve never gotten to buying them. And I’m a little worried they will sell out 😅 And then I get pissed at myself for it, ‘cuz honestly I can live without them. But have you ever seen something you really liked, but decided to sit out on it, and then years later it will pop up in your head and you’re like ‘Argh’..? Or is that just me..? In other cases I’ll forget all about it, but there are some things that just says «I’m made for you» and I kinda want to limit my possessions and the stuff I get to only those pieces. In my experience that are the ones that sticks with you and get worn the hell outta.
The funny thing is my laptop crashed after 11 years of heavy use, but I don’t think it will be a problem living without a laptop for a while 😅 But a pair of cheap earrings, oh lord.. I’m wired weirdly.
But you know what, I’m sticking to the plan and I’ll do this- No spend february it is! I will be brutally honest, and if I fail- I’ll admit to it.