Do you even know how special you are- Songs for the lost souls

So many of the best people I know, experienced bullying at some point of their lives. This is for them. This is for all of you. Just because they said it, doesn’t mean it’s true!



The assholes from your past, and what they said

Memories are hard to erase, and hard to chase out from your head

But I’m so grateful they never stopped you from being you

And after all you’ve been through, you still stay true

To all the things that makes you, you

And maybe you don’t know, but there’s a million reasons why

someone can and will appreciate you


‘Cuz no one is walking around, just like you

And no one ever have, and nobody’s ever going to


Maybe the hurtful words they told you,

still rings in your head from time to time

And still you got this far

And now I gotta ask

Do you even know how special you are?

I hope you ask yourself and come up with a long list

‘Cuz you are special and I’m so glad you exist


It’s funny how they go after the best ones

Funny how what they find off is often your best traits

It’s sad, how words can be used as guns

and how heavy it can be to carry them around like weights

So I hope you let go of all they told you

‘Cuz just because they threw it in your face, doesn’t mean it’s true

and no one is walking around, just like you

And no one ever have, and nobody’s ever going to


Maybe the hurtful words they told you,

still stings in your heart from time to time

and still you got this far

And now I gotta ask

Do you even know just how special you are?

I hope you ask yourself and come up with a long list

‘Cuz you’ve always been special and I’m so glad you exist

I’m so glad you exist




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