I know I talk a lot about investing in timeless, classy pieces that you can have forever, but sometimes it is fun to be a little crazy right..? And I was DEFINITELY certified crazy when I purchased these: In the midst of a hefty manic episode and should not have access to online shopping.. But that’s what happened and when I was out of it and I realised I’d bought these faux leather overalls I just thought «Ok, might as well rock it».
At 34 years old, some may say that youth is behind me but I respectfully disagree! I think I still have time to dress a little ‘out there’, and what’s fun with experimenting with clothes is it makes you more open to experiment with makeup and hair as well- Hello, space buns!
Faux fur from H&M last season, also a manic purchase.. I’ve written a statement that is in my mother’s care for the next time bipolar hijacks my brain, and it says «Do not let me have access to my phone or Visa», it’s pretty common with mania that you spend a LOT of money very recklessly, I haven’t really been doing this- until this latest episode. I felt really bad for it, but can only take it as a lesson. I’m sorry to all the people that got gifted a lot of shitty useless crap from me and my manic brain..
Anyway, today I was supposed to be at work and then meet a friend- but I didn’t get enough sleep and when I got out of bed I experienced a drop in blood pressure (is that the right translation?? Norsk: Blodtrykksfall), it’s been happening to me every now and then after I started on medication for my bipolar illness, and it’s so uncomfortable! It starts ringing in my head, my sight gets blurry, I feel like I go deaf.. iIn the beginning I was convinced that now I’ll die, ‘Cuz that’s what it feels like- the whole body just shuts down and if I don’t lay down immediatly I’ll pass out. I’m so scared it will happen to me when I’m not at my own home!
I felt really faint afterwards, so had to call in sick and cancel with my friend. And then I slept like a rock for hours.. Fuckkkk! My sleep schedule was starting to get on point, now I’m afraid I’ve screwed it up again.. But I just have to keep working on it. Today was a little bump in the road, I’m not gonna let it escalate.
Have a good thursday night- It’s almost the weekend! 🌹