Not gonna lie, I’ve been in the same sweats for days. Today however, I woke up and remembered I have new earrings, and that sorta made me feel like.. Well, not dressing up but at least not repeat the outfit that has almost become my second skin by now 😅
This t-shirt was purchased during my last manic episode, for some reason I got a hang-up on Disney and I think I had this idea that «I’m friggin’ real life Tinkerbell!». You know, never really growing up, I’ve gotten that thrown in my face a couple of times.. 🙄 Like there is just one correct way to be an adult.. Whatever ✋ People can look and judge from the outside all they want if that gives them pleasure, I know the shit I’ve had to deal with from a very young age, I know the storms I’ve weathered and the battles I’ve fought, in the end that is all that matters. And honestly, if you had a bumpy childhood like me, and had to deal with issues that you might not should’ve: There’s NOTHING wrong with taking the time to «grow up». Taking the time to heal your childhood wounds, taking the time to enjoy not having a massive responsibility, taking the time to figure out who you are and who you want to become and who you certainly do NOT want to be. Fuck what other people have to say about your life, the only one who actually lives it is you.
Beanie & jacket H&M, bag is Alexander Wang, shoes by Koi footwear. Jeans are inherited from my fellow shopaholic aunt 😊❤️
It strikes me now that I’m not that good with color coordinating 😅 I never really put that much thought into the outfit as a whole, I just pick the pieces that I feel like wearing that day and that is the main factor, and then it doesn’t really matter to me how it turns out. Maybe I should start putting a little more brain into it, it’s really cool when people does 😁
And my new bling.. They are SO pretty in real life.
NOT new bling, but still pretty. I found this starburst-ring at Gina Tricot, it’s close to 20 years ago no lie.. Who said cheap stuff can’t endure the test of time? Sure can!
I don’t really have any plans for the rest of the day, should go for a walk but weather is shit.. I can handle the cold, I can handle the rain, but I’m not a fan of both at once.. Can we just transit into spring already..?
Finishing off with this quote I found on Pinterest: