Soldier on

Take control

Never a victim, always a warrior

Keep your head high

Aim for the goal


Push forward

Don’t look back

Turn your weakness into strenght

Know just where to attack


Ride off the storm

Gather strenght in the calm

If you fall get up

Soldier on


If you reach bottom the only way is up

If you can’t walk, then crawl

If the fire burns out rekindle the flame

Be the beast no one can tame


Get back up

Wipe the blood from your mouth

When all goes south..

Soldier on!


You got no one to cheer you on?
You feel like you do not belong?
Look at yourself in the mirror
Look how far you have come
You could have been in a grave by now
Yeah, fucked up some times but the past is gone
You’re still here

Today is the day
Soldier ON!

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