Welcome to the slaughterhouse

You and me, like oil and water

Don’t hand over your heart so easily,

I was not made for love babe

I am only built for slaughter


Do you want pain, or do you wanna feel alright

I can give you both

So welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight

Yeah, welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight


These hands, they touch good

But if I touch anything for too long

Then they reach for the axe and now you look like wood

And it’s so unfortunate that you still know your ways

around my hood


Do you want pain, or do you wanna feel alright

I can give you both

So welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight

Yeah, welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight


Guess I’m just hydrophobic

I don’t mix, and every problem we have is a problem we just can’t fix

Still can’t help it, we don’t mix somehow that’s erotic

And truth is, most of my actions are just straight up idiotic

and I do tend to just not think at all

So I drink until you’re dry

But then it’s back to hydrophobic again

when you break down and cry


This tongue may be silky smooth

But if I use it for too long, it turns poisonous

And just because it felt so damn good

Doesn’t mean it’s healthy for either one of us

And it’s so unfortunate how we keep talking when there’s really nothing more we can discuss


I really do hate myself

The way I can talk myself in and out

I’ve lost my self-respect, and now I’m straight up disrespecting you

Can’t believe this is what I am about


I’m sorry, I’m depressed, I’m fucking suicidal and I forgot all about stuff like being nice, being human, being someone’s sister, friend or daughter

Just keep your heart locked up, babe

’Cuz I was never made for love, no

I was built for slaughter

Yeah, that’s the sad truth babe

I was built for slaughter


Do you want pain, or do you wanna feel alright

I can give you both

So welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight

Yeah, welcome to the slaughterhouse tonight



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