I’m sorry that my mind is such a dark place, and the words that breeds from that darkness should probably not see the light. But they are the tools I have to keep myself alive, and honestly I don’t know anymore if that is a good thing or a bad thing, because while they keep me alive they do not set me free either.. And that is all I want, to be free. Free from myself, most of all. Is it only death that can grant me that freedom..? Am I capable of thinking and feeling in a way that does not torture my soul..? I don’t know.
My world is imploding
I’m just waiting for my inner demons to press the button, have my brain exploding
Taking the reins of my fragile mind
and turning me into a raging machine
So I can handle being alive
No more of this
I can’t force myself through another day
I know you don’t understand
My mind and its wicked ways
and when I’m gone, be honest with your last words
And say it like it is; I wasted all my days
I know you expect me to keep pretending
I’ve played this part for you all my life
Well, I ran out of lines
I’m done being your prop, I’m done with this performance
I can’t keep ignoring all the signs
I can’t suppress all the bad memories, when I keep stepping on them like mines
And yeah, they do still blow up in my head from time to time
No more of this, no more of anything
These four walls are slowly closing in
I know you don’t understand, you don’t ask and I can no longer tell
All I know is I’m not feeling well
and when I’m gone, be honest with your last words
and say it like it is; Now I’m burning in hell
I don’t want to lose touch with reality
but I can’t cope with it much longer
I don’t want to sacrifice my sanity
But that’s the only thing I can do to make myself a little bit stronger
I take these pills, I’m faking smiles, I drag myself through the sleepless nights
and when the day arrives I just turn around and close my eyes
Just be honest with your last words, for once in your life
Say it how it is, I wasted all of mine
All the way up to the final deadline
and no one in the room is really feeling sad
’Cuz I was the blackest sheep, and I was always some kind of bad
and I blew up every chance that I had
And then you bury me, and I won’t feel a thing
No, I won’t feel a thing..
and that’s all I ever wished for, that’s all I ever wanted
That’s what I dreamed of, above all or anything
For my mind to be silent, and to feel.. nothing
Du skal ikke beklage deg for å være deg selv. Du skal heller ikke legge bånd på deg, eller skjule hvem du er.
Å bruke blogg som terapi, uansett årsak og bakgrunn, er noe man velger for egen del, og ikke for andres….
Mye god bearbeiding i det å skrive ned tanker og følelser.
Tusen takk for at du tok deg tid til å skrive disse ordene, det gjorde godt å lese ❤️ Satt spesielt pris på at du sier at jeg ikke skal skjule hvem jeg er, for jeg har alltid vært så DÅRLIG på å bære en maske, og jeg ønsker jo strengt tatt ikke å gå rundt med en heller.. Selv om det jeg bærer inni meg ikke er så vakkert alltid. Så takk, gode du 🌹