A deal with death 💀

A song. A testament. A promise.. 😉



Made a deal with my dad

So when Death calls my name, loved ones: Don’t feel sad!

Got a deal with my daddy

Just know this:

When death calls upon me

I’ll be ready!


I want you to know!

That I got a deal with my dad

And if I can, then I’ll be waiting in hell

And then I’m coming for your head!

You think I’m scary in this life.?

Well, you should see me in death..

(and you just might..)

You think I’m wild?

Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet!



Oh the evil you do

And you think you’ll never pay

But trust me when I say

You ain’t going near heaven

‘Cuz I’ll be in your way



Give me the pedophiles, give me the war and drug lords, come on

All the scum, give me the worst of the worst!

Let me have ‘em

Yeah, I’ll take ‘em all

They have to fight me first!

I’m no angel, I got my bloodthirst

Well, you’ll hear my call

And when I scream you’ll fight!


Give me the psychopaths with no remorse

I’ll be on my feet, don’t need a horse

Yeah, let me have ‘em

Oh, I swear

If I can, I’ll be there


Yeah, if I can

I’ll be there


Come on daddy

Give me a sword and send me out on the arena

I swear I’ll be singing while I’m swinging

I’ll laugh while I bleed!

Heck, I’ll rip out my heart before their eyes..

Let them eat it too

The evil they do….

Yeah, they’ll regret it ‘cause I know about it too!


I ain’t letting you burn..

I want you to learn!

I know a thing or two about pain..

and I’ll wait patiently for your turn


So Death: When you call I’m ready!

Let me scream this with what may be my last breath:

You think I’m scary in life..?

Wait ‘till you meet me in death 😈


(Had to add a more scary picture here.. Warrior paint 👹)



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