As long as you are safe (I’m okay)

Til Marte min ❤️



Oh love, with a heavy head

I’m sorry for the time I spent like I was dead

I just need you to know

It’s alright to slow down

I can see the lifeguards

I promise you won’t drown


As long as you are safe

And now you are, you are

I’ll sleep tonight, I swear

As long as you are safe, I’m okay

and now I can live without fear


Oh love, the sorrow you have carried

I could not cry your tears for you

I just want you to know

Let them flow, they heal

and believe me when I say

I will handle everything that you feel

Here’s my hand in written words

Hold it, I won’t let go


As long as you are safe

And now you are, you are

I’ll sleep tonight, I swear

As long as you are safe, I’m okay

and now I can live without fear

Because believe me, you will be okay


Oh love, I am yours

By fate, by blood, by chance, by luck, by choice

I will always side with you

Listen to my voice:

Know that as long as you are safe

I will be okay

Believe me, you know the way..

Home is where the heart is


Here’s my hand, in written words

I always had yours, now it’s my turn

I will not let go

We will be okay




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