Måtte bare trøkke ut en siste kreativ shit for dagen..
The great thing about being scared of anything and everything-
Is all the opportunities it creates for one to be brave.
So this battle was lost
I had to resign, it came at too high of a cost
There’s some cases in life you just can’t push through
It’s so hard for me, all these things that seems so easy to do
It gets such a Mission Impossible
When the doubt and the fear always gets the best of you
Okay, this one got me knocked out
Spent some time lost in self-doubt
But now it’s time to brush off the dirt and shout
Back on the horse again, dumb rider
I’m so grateful for each chance I get
and each time it doesn’t work out
it hits like a bullet in my self-respect
There’s nothing I want more
than to kick in all these locked doors
But it’s so hard, when you got zero self esteem
These simple, small things- they’re not as simple and small as they seem
Ok, so this round I couldn’t get through
But now I gotta sign up for the next, if I could just figure out what I actually can do
I know it seems so easy for you..
You don’t get why I go down like this, and why I’m now all broken and blue
And you probably look at me and really doubt now
That’s why I gotta get up and shout now
Back on the horse, dumb rider!
Fine hesten til Sneskavla 4H i Båtsfjord ❤️ Takk for lånet for sånn.. 6 år siden 😅