Deadly nightshade

When my lover starts talking ’bout the future

That’s when I know it’s time to pull the plug

I can barely handle the present moment

Besides, there’s only so much I can sweep under the rug

I don’t think he’d like me very much if he knew about all the shit I’m hiding


Why does everybody talk about love like it’s some kinda magic

Isn’t the hard truth that love usually ends up some kinda tragic..?


Don’t give me grand romance

Don’t deliver me sweet words that in the end mean nothing

I want none of that, and if you try to give it: I want to trade

I don’t want a bouquet of roses, I want

I want deadly nightshade


I’ve never been able to plan ahead

When I try to visualize five years from now I always think by then I’ll be dead

I’ve never met a person who fit me like a glove

Got like a billion reasons why I don’t believe in love


Why does everybody crave love like it’s magic?

For me, just the thought of it makes me feel a overwhelming sense of panic..


Do not give me grand romance

and don’t you dare go down on one knee

I want none of it, and if you try to give it I want to trade

I don’t want champagne nor’ wedding bells, I want

I want deadly nightshade


Was there ever a time when I did believe in love?

Maybe, but that was just a part of being young and dumb

I’m not quite sure I’ve learned from past mistakes

I think they’ve just made me go numb


Maybe love IS magic, but for me it’s just never in season

When I think about it, I guess they call it “Fools in love” for a reason..


So no, I don’t want grand gestures of romance

I don’t want whispers in the ear and I don’t want to slow dance

I want none of that, and if you try to give it then I want to trade

I don’t want roses, I don’t want happily ever after, I want..

I want deadly nightshade

I want deadly nightshade



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