8 years, down this broken road
8 years, since I met this so called prince
(Everyone always talk about how you’re so handsome, argh)
But when the sun reveals your true self..
Now all I see, is a slimy toad
(They should talk about how you held me for ransom)
Ah, wish I could believe in karma
But all I believe in is revenge
Have you ever been strapped down and tortured..?
Oh, I got a lot to avenge..
I curse the day our paths crossed
Wish I could nail you to the cross
So you could feel the pain and confusion
Lose your mind so you could understand my loss
I hate you the most, ‘cause of all the people that hurt me
You knew exactly what you did
I read what you wrote in the aftermath
We both know the ugly truth that you hid
Oh, how I curse this demon,
that snuck inside my broken mind
It all fell apart from that moment
Now I’m stuck inside this broken mind
He has all the pieces of my shattered memories
He guards them with no remorse
They are still impossible for me to find
Oh, how he taunts me
and he still haunts me
He has the words to set me free
But he will never speak up
and he won’t leave me be
Freedom is somewhere I don’t have passport to
The gates remain closed
And heaven is a lie, there is no eternal life
I found out, when I overdosed
I no longer have ambitions
I failed at everything
Even at my suicide missions
I wish I’d never met you
Now it’s a little too late
I could not save my sanity
Now you’ve sealed my fate
Oh, I curse this demon
I didn’t know, didn’t remember
How it felt to have someone rape your bloody mind
He knows the parts of the story I can’t remember
The parts I can not find
So keep them, I don’t want to know anymore
If I have to face you again, I’ll poke my eyes out
If I have to see your damn face again
I’d rather go blind
Ah, wish I could believe in karma
But all I believe in is revenge
Have you ever been strapped down and tortured..?
Oh, I got a lot to avenge..
Ah, how he taunts me
and he still haunts me
He has the words to set me free
But he will never speak up
and he won’t leave me be
If I could, I’d nail you to the cross
And break your mind, so you’d understand my loss
If I get the chance, I’ll have my revenge
We both know it, don’t we
I got a lot to avenge
Jeg er ingen hobby-psykolog, så jeg skal være forsiktig med å gi råd.
Tror du må lære å stole på deg selv, ta avgjørelser som gjør deg godt, før du lar andre få styre, kanskje?
Håper uansett at du kommer deg videre fra noe som virker fryktelig negativt…