Grandma chic

Whoaa, today I’ve been inside an actual gym for the first time in.. 4 years, minimum! If there is a place that has made me feel both uncomfortable and anxious, the gym was definitely it.. But today it went okay, and that made me realise that I have really made huge fucking progress and that makes me so happy 😁 ‘Cuz man, I’ve felt so stuck for years and all my efforts just felt like banging my head into this great unbreakable wall.. But finally, the cracks are beginning to show, and I won’t stop now- if it takes the rest of my life, that wall is going down.


Well, could sure need some of those 😅

Today’s outfit.. Full on grandma-style, or so I’ve been told 😅






Teardrop-necklace from Swarowski, found it used on Ebay for like 10 $ years ago.


Felt like going full on dragqueen on my face.. And did fake freckles, because I’m craving spriiiing and sun.. 😎


Now I’m hanging with my boys, and my oldest nephew asked me «Suja, did you paint your eyes blue?» and I said ‘yep’ and he goes «Goofy Suja!» 😂 I get that a lot from him 🤡 Makes my smile go round every time 😁

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