34 years on this planet
34 years among the human race
34 years of trial and error and fatal mistakes
And I still haven’t found my place
Always on the outside looking in
It’s such a tricky game to me, the art of fitting in
Who knows, who I could have been
If I only knew the moves to make
Or if I was capable of being fake
My true self is more than people can take
If I find something that looks like love, it quickly turns into hate
Spent so many years, trying to be the good girl
Tried to hide that I’m full of thorns
Then life flipped up side down
And my halo turned into horns
Now everyone knows
Can’t hide it, I got a tail and it shows
34 years on this planet
34 years among the human race
34 years of trial and error and fatal mistakes
And still I haven’t found my place
Sometimes I gather up the courage
Tell myself I got the balls
To raise my voice and say my thoughts outloud
Then I’m met with this deafening silence
So instead I’m talking to the walls
I hate being asked to tag along
They drop these subtle clues that I don’t belong
My confidence crumbles into the dust
I can tell even when you say nothing:
I’m the one you can not trust
It hurts, but I tell myself it’s just the way it is
I should be used to it, ‘cuz honestly it’s always been like this
Even as a kid, I was always the difficult one
I don’t think anyone’s suprised to see this broken mess I have become
I’m a failure, to the very bone
34 years on this planet
34 years among the human race
34 years of trial and error and fatal mistakes
And still I haven’t found my place