We don’t hug much in this family
Ya’ll seem so damn successful
Me, I’m just parked in this corner
Fighting for my sanity
(I’m sad to say: It’s such a losing game
I can do a lot, but I can’t stay sane)
Am I lonely?
If so, I’m so used to it, it’s kinda comfortable
Tell myself I can be my one and only
The sound of silence isn’t uncomfortable
But late at night, that’s when I feel it
I need someone to hold me, that’s when I need it
So can you..
Hold me, hold me harder
I can’t be on my side when the darkness creeps under my skin,
and seeps into my mind
So can you..
Hold me, hold me harder
‘Cuz it’s when I need myself the most, I am impossible to find
We don’t hype each other up
We don’t talk much at all
I have all your numbers in my phone-list
But it rarely seems like the right move to call
When did we become like this?
Have we always been this alien
Is there any love left?
Why is it that when I embrace you
It feels like some kind of theft?
Are we lonely?
If so, we’re so used to it, it’s kinda comfortable
Tell ourselves we can be our one and only
The sound of silence isn’t uncomfortable
But late at night, do you ever feel it?
Do you need someone to hold you, is that when you need it?
So can I..
Hold you, hold you harder
Can you be on your side when darkness creeps under your skin,
and seeps into your mind?
So can I..
Hold you, hold you harder
I don’t know about you, but for me
It’s always when I need myself the most, I am impossible to find
So can I
Hold you, hold you harder
Can you..
Hold me, hold me harder