I’ll fight for love, but this ain’t it

So now you’re probably dragging my name through the streets
‘Cuz I’m that bitch that kicked you outta my sheets

It’s okay, let them know

I got my fair reasons why I chose to let you go


I’m not saying I’m a saint, I’m a sinner too

But I don’t have it in me to fuck people over the way you always do

And if the bible is right, we’re both ending up somewhere hot

But that doesn’t ment we are ment to be, Cuz we’re not


You claim I don’t see you like I should

But I saw every little flaw and I still gave it all I could

You reveal that you don’t know me at all

I’m just that wet cunt you call

But now I’ve blocked your number, and it’s over


I will fight for love but this ain’t it

I’ve analyzed what we had, and it smells like shit

I don’t want these stains all over my soul

(‘Scuse my french, just speaking blunt)

I can no longer let your dick into my hole

’cuz coming for you no longer feels like a goal


I’ll fight for love but this ain’t it

Do you even know a pussy comes with a clit?

And a woman also comes with a brain

Remember you called ‘red flags’ when you heard I sometimes go insane?

Then you met me and you found me hot

But there’s so much more to me that you never bothered finding out

Yeah, great, that you think I’m hot

but that doesn’t mean we’re ment to be, ‘Cuz we’re not


I’ll fight for love, but this, this ain’t it

I’ve analyzed the stench and I’ve had enough with your shit

and how you always choose not to deal with it


I will fight for love, but this never was and never will be it

I’m sorry to say, we’re both back to just our own hands now, and mine they’ve always done the trick

You’ll go back to endless one-night stands

And me, well I’ll go back to my own magical hands


Yeah, you go back to shitty sex

I might swap from dick to pussy, cuz

I heard you have a really stunning ex


I’ll fight for love

But this, this never was, never will be it

And I always told you so, so now you just gotta handle it



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