Mi amor

This one is for my ride or die:



Spit fire, my dragon

Spread your wings and soar

Show those motherfuckers who doubted you

It’s about time they hear you roar

You can do this

Grab life by the balls

I believe in you, mi amor


You are special, I’ve known it since the day you were born

You are gifted and talented,

And although you feel broken at times, you are NOT torn

You have a purpose in life, don’t waste your potential

Go out in the spotlight, aim for the stars

You don’t need a man, you don’t need sheep’s approval

You got the words in your arsenal, you got bars


C’mon baby dragon!

Get out of that hole, get out of the dump

Slay your demons, I believe in you!

You got what it takes, you will triumph

You choose your destiny, you decide your own fate

And don’t let anyone tell you bullshit like «It’s too late»

It’s never too late

Leave the hate,

Love yourself-

Why shouldn’t you,

you’re fucking great


Spit fire, my dragon

Spread your wings and soar

Show those motherfuckers who doubted you

It’s about time they hear you roar

You can do this

Grab life by the balls

Take the hammer, break those brick walls

I believe in you, mi amor


C’mon baby dragon!

you decide where to go from here, the past is gone

Slay your demons, we believe in you!

There’s a fighter in you, get the gloves on

Stay true to what makes you YOU

Don’t leave the ring just because you got hit

You got the words in your arsenal, and there is flames from your mouth when you spit

Get up!

Keep fighting

The battle ain’t over

You got the words in your arsenal

Believe me, they are thunder and lightning


Never forget

If the whole world turns on ya

You got me, babe

You got your number one fan, and that’s me

You got your Suja 👊🏼






You and me then, you and me now, you and me forever ❤️

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