Some of us are not ment to be angels. Some of us aspire to be dragons instead

Listen, you think that as a woman all I want in life is for men to look at me and say I’m beautiful. For them to look at me and say that I’m fuckable. Well, to hell with that. I want men to look at me and think «If I disrespect her, she will light me on fire and then spread her wings and fly far away from the ashes». I am not angel-material. I am wild and free and not afraid to spit fire. Maybe dragons are a product of imagination, a beautiful and terrifying product of fantasy- but I still, somehow- have dragon blood in my veins, instead of angel wings on my back. And I’m not gonna change that, not for anyone, not for anything.


Finished my dragon-warrior.


Aaand felt super-ambitious and tried to draw a dragon on my face, but failed miserably 😅 I WANT A FACE-TATT SO BAD! But I’m not gonna attempt to do it myself, that’s for sure..




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