This road will lead me straight to hell
Ya’ll know I know that place too well
Gotta find the formula to break this spell
Too bad I’m too dumb
Consider it understood:
I’m not even under your thumb
I’m being crushed under your foot
I’m wondering what it’s all for
All I know
Is I gotta get out that door
That shit you’re smoking doesn’t make me high
And those stripes you’re snorting doesn’t make me feel more alive
And the pills you’re popping ain’t enough to make me die
It’s funny how two hours can feel like a year
It’s strange how there seems to be no limits to my fear
Sometimes I just gotta put myself to sleep
There’s too many days of the week
Still the years went by real fast, and I’m getting old
Wish I could just bury you in the past, and unhear every little lie you’ve ever told
What was it all for?
That shit you’re smoking doesn’t make me high
And those stripes you’re snorting doesn’t make me feel more alive
And the pills you’re popping ain’t enough to make me die
And after we fuck I’m left wondering why
We both know I’m not gonna make you a groom and you ain’t gonna make me a bride
What’s it all for..?
This ain’t a lovestory for the books
We’re just fish on hooks
This feels more like a double suicide