I just have to end each day on a creative note..
I’m sorry that I had to say the final words
Sorry for the silence
If I break it now, you’d only feel like I’m toying with you and play with your feelings
I could be someone for you, I guess
But I couldn’t find any real meaning
What we say, what we feel, what we do
I need to build something from scratch
But I can’t build anything with you
You probably hate me now, I get it
Back and forth, second chances then I regret it
It’s better for us now, this line that divide us
I am holding this line, for the sake of you
If I cross it again, you’d say I throw you under the bus
We said what we said, we feel what we feel
There’s really nothing more to discuss
What we say, what we feel, what we do
I can only work on myself
I can change, I can’t change you
I do feel bad, I do at times feel alone
But I came from a broken home
There was pleasure here, at times
But there never was any signs of a future
And we both have wounds
that the other can not suture
What we say, what we feel, what we do
I can only say how I feel and act upon it
But I just can’t feel that deep for you