let me verify that the rumours are true: I AM SICK OF MEN 😉 (they are sick of me too ahah 🤪)
Beautiful, but cold
just like this country
Everyone loves you, no one can come close
Let me closer..
You have so much wrath bottled up that you yearn to expose
Give me all your rage
Don’t you be afraid to hurt me
I’m already hellbound, one you need not save
Hurt me, hurt me, I need the pain
Unleash all your wildest storms on me
I do not fear the rain
I want you
I want you!
Savage, brutal, raw
I do not fear you
Give me tooth and nail and claw
I want you, I want you!
You are the only thing that makes more sense to me
than the very Murphy’s law
We can be a beautiful disaster
One in the moment, I don’t need no happily ever after
Beautiful but cold, just like this country
Freeze my blood, make me blue
Some lust and long for the warmth
I just lust for you..
Let me closer..
Let me in!
I do not need to fight you
I’ll be happy to let you win
Hurt me, hurt me, I need the pain!
I do not fear you
I’ll let you be my bane
I want you, I want you, I want you!
Savage and brutal and raw
You can not scare me
Give me tooth and nail and claw
I want you, I want you, I want you
You’re the first thing that’s making sense to me
since I heard of Murphy’s law
I need you!
I need your cold embrace
I don’t want to look at anyone else
I just want to look at your face
Let me closer
I am drawn to your hate
At times I feel it too
Hurt me hurt me hurt me
I won’t judge you if you do
I need the pain!
I will never force you to restrain
Unleash all your wildest storms on me
I do not fear the rain
I want you!
I want you!
Let all your demons out, I swear I have them too
Be savage, be brutal, be raw
I do not fear you
Give me tooth and nail and claw
We are two wrongs, we are women of wrath- together we can be right
Let’s defy Murphy’s law