My crown of horns

I’m no angel, I’m no saint

It’s not very pretty, this picture I paint

The red is my blood, the black is my soul

When I die I’ll either go to hell or I’ll be a fucking ghoul

And if I get the chance, I’ll haunt you!

Yeah, if I get the chance..

I’ll drag you all the way to hell!


I know you want me to be pure as snow

but I got horns and heaven knows

I know you want me to wear a crown of thorns

but all I got is my crown of horns

My crown of horns!


There’s times I show no mercy

There’s sins I refuse to forgive

There’s times I get so angry I can’t even see clearly

There’s some people I don’t think of dearly

(This song is for you!)

and there’s times when all I dream of is revenge


I know you want me to be pure as snow

but I got a tail and heaven knows

I know you want me to wear a crown of thorns

But I am holding on to my crown of horns

My crown of horns!


I know you want me to forgive and forget

But it’s impossible to live a life with zero regrets

And there’s some crimes that no one have paid for yet!


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

I know you want me to be as pure as snow

but I grew dark wings and heaven knows

I know you want me to wear a crown of thorns

But I don’t want to be your martyr or your lamb

So I wear this crown of horns because I can

Yeah Yeah Yeah..

I know you want me to wear a crown of thorns

You tried to fucking sacrifice me

That’s why I wear this crown of horns

Why I wear this crown of horns!


Yeah, I was born on december 24th 1987

but I ain’t helping your sinful soul into heaven

Good luck, getting into heaven!

and take your crown of thorns

(I hope it makes you bleed)

I am holding on to my crown of horns!

I choose my crown of horns!


The one thing I will never forget is how you threatened my own family

Believe my words, if I can then I will seal your very destiny

No sir, no ‘mam: I don’t wish you any well

If I can, I will drag you all to the gates of hell!

Fuck your crown of thorns!

I swear this very oath on my crown of horns!

My crown of horns!






War for what

A song I have hesitated to publish, because well.. It’s about something bigger than me and my own emotions.. If you comment on this, you need to know I do not support neither the brutality of IDF or the cynicism of Hamas… But in the end, I will ALWAYS be pro for the human race to find better solutions than war, bloody war. That is a hill I am willing to die on!



Since the dawn of man..?

Since history was written down..

We’ve been pitted against each other..

Do we murder each other just because we so easily can..?

How can we pretend like we didn’t all come from the SAME first woman and man?

How can we forget that the human race is really one big family..?

I say this as a crazy person: War is the very definition of complete and utter INSANITY


Why can’t we live in peace?

Why can’t we solve our damn shit civilized?

Is any war worth it when you take into account how many lives were sacrificed?

Why do we resort to violent solutions that doesn’t really solve jack shit, 

We throw in bombs and tanks and mines that just escalates it.

Hate breeds hate, that’s just the nature of it.

We teach our children not to kill each other,

then they grow up and we make them join armies-

Can someone please make sense of it?

You want war, but for what?


We’ve fought each other since sticks and stones.

Now we’re at the point where our bombs are even melting bones..

Can someone tell me how this is using wit?

Can someone please, please, please make sense of it?

You want war, but for what?


I saw this little girl from Gaza on the news, she said

«When people die they don’t come back»

and you can argue against Hamas or IDF

but you can’t argue against that.

And what kinda world do we live in when the children,

not their leaders- are the ones spitting facts?

All I know, is a life you take you can’t give back,

so I’m just asking:

War, war, war, but for what?

One more time, say it with me: War for what?


So these old men in power, they need soldiers, they sacrifice the young.

Someone else’s child, forced to face the gun.

For glory, for land, for revenge- for the old wicked man,

but I’m just asking, how is it worth it in the end?

The dead remain dead, we’ll never bring them back again.


So I’m just asking: War, war, war, but for what?

War for what?

All I know is, every life that is sacrificed, is a life you can’t give back..


So war, war, war; but for what?

War for what?!

The dead remains dead, and even if you win your war- they don’t come back.

They don’t come back!

How do you send people to war, like their lives are just sitting on a shelf..?

It should be a written rule that if you start a war you gotta fight in it yourself!


War, war, war, but for what?

War for what?

War, war war




Summer of ‘24

Been asking myself:

So are you in or are you out?

You know damn well I ain’t in this for the clout

I can’t hype myself up no more

I said «hasta la vista» to the little hope I had left and I sent it out the door

Don’t really feel like keeping on going anymore

Welcome to summer of 24’!


It’s summer and I’m sad

Days are longer, and I am hurting bad

It’s too bright outside

It’s too damn dark in my mind, in my mind

Summer of ‘24 and as usual I’m falling behind, behind


So am I in or am I out

I feel like I got one foot in the grave already

(argh it’s been in there for years)

I can’t see the point in pretty much anything

(argh, I wish I would run out of tears)

I don’t know how to describe what’s left of my life, but living it is heavy

(It’s so heavy!)

I feel like living so much larger, but I don’t know if I’m ready

God, how I fear that I’ll never be ready!


It’s summer, and I suppose I’m still a tad depressed

Days are longer, and it just makes me stressed

There’s too many people in the streets

I’ve been thinking of killing myself for weeks

Told ya it’s too dark in my mind, in my mind

Summer of ‘24 and as usual I’m falling behind


Should be busy having fun, but all I feel is doubt

This body doesn’t feel like mine and I’ve been wanting out

I feel like my whole life has been a fucking waste

I wish I could have it completely erased


It’s summer and I guess I’m a bummer

Days are longer, just makes my depression grow stronger

I can’t keep on living much longer

(I really don’t think I can live much longer)

As always it’s too damn dark in my mind, in my mind

It’s the summer of ‘24 and happiness is a feeling I can’t find

I just can’t find!

It’s the summer of ‘24 and all I can think is

I don’t think I wanna live anymore

But you know what, there will always be a key to death’s door

I guess life will always be some kind of heavy

I gotta live life NOW, screw it: I guess I’m ready!


It’s the summer of 24’

I am gonna keep going, I will open life’s door

I am going to live, and I am gonna live more!!



God sommer, alle sammen ❤️ Måtte alles mørke tanker vike for sommersola.. Let’s do this. Let’s live, and live more!


You just died my dear




Talking to the dead beats talking to the wall

Lately I haven’t been talking much at all

People come and people go

It’s been 21 years since you died

Still I miss you so..


I just need you to know..

Is there a way these words can reach you?

You never failed me

You never betrayed me

You just died my dear

and I still love you

like I did when you were here

I still love you like I did when you were here!


It’s hard, being alive sometimes

I feel like I’m living in a cage of crimes

It’s true what they say, it’s the best ones who dies

If I said I was grateful that I’m still alive, it would only add to my lies

Bat dad, I really do try..


I’m so scared, that in the end you didn’t know

I loved you so deeply, but in the end- did it show?

You never failed me

You never hurt me

You just died my dear

I love you so much

That was always my worst fear

That you would die before me, my dear


I sometimes think that I buried my heart with you

When you died, I wanted to die too

Living on, that was so fucking hard to do

If I still have a heart, it’s been split in two


I just need you to know

Some things I just can’t let go

It was me who failed you, you know

I still cry because you aren’t here

Cry because you died and I wasn’t there

You never failed, you never hurt me

You just died my dear

You just died, my dear


I want you to know your kids are doing mostly alright

I see parts of you in all of them

and you know that mama always did believe

One day we all will meet again..

(Who knows, she could be right)


Sleep safe forever, I still hold you near

My love for you will never disappear

Take care of the part of my heart that belongs to you, my dear


..and dad, I really do try



Deadly nightshade

When my lover starts talking ’bout the future

That’s when I know it’s time to pull the plug

I can barely handle the present moment

Besides, there’s only so much I can sweep under the rug

I don’t think he’d like me very much if he knew about all the shit I’m hiding


Why does everybody talk about love like it’s some kinda magic

Isn’t the hard truth that love usually ends up some kinda tragic..?


Don’t give me grand romance

Don’t deliver me sweet words that in the end mean nothing

I want none of that, and if you try to give it: I want to trade

I don’t want a bouquet of roses, I want

I want deadly nightshade


I’ve never been able to plan ahead

When I try to visualize five years from now I always think by then I’ll be dead

I’ve never met a person who fit me like a glove

Got like a billion reasons why I don’t believe in love


Why does everybody crave love like it’s magic?

For me, just the thought of it makes me feel a overwhelming sense of panic..


Do not give me grand romance

and don’t you dare go down on one knee

I want none of it, and if you try to give it I want to trade

I don’t want champagne nor’ wedding bells, I want

I want deadly nightshade


Was there ever a time when I did believe in love?

Maybe, but that was just a part of being young and dumb

I’m not quite sure I’ve learned from past mistakes

I think they’ve just made me go numb


Maybe love IS magic, but for me it’s just never in season

When I think about it, I guess they call it “Fools in love” for a reason..


So no, I don’t want grand gestures of romance

I don’t want whispers in the ear and I don’t want to slow dance

I want none of that, and if you try to give it then I want to trade

I don’t want roses, I don’t want happily ever after, I want..

I want deadly nightshade

I want deadly nightshade



🎵 Sing myself to sleep 🎵

It’s been a shit week

Put your headphones on

While I sing myself to sleep


(Some things I can only say to myself. Well, most things.. All of ‘em actually. No wonder I’m lonely.. No wonder I drive myself mad)


I know you think I’m cold-hearted

I have my reasons so don’t get me started

I know you think I don’t play fair

To tell you the truth I don’t really care


Where are we going?

I don’t know about you but I don’t have any plans

Been in survival mode like some kinda trance

Guess I forgot you exist again

Death is very hard to resist again

Back to self-hating, self-sabotaging

How do I break this cycle without killing myself?


I know you think I’m a piece of shit

I think so too and I can’t seem to quit

I know you hate how I just don’t care

To tell you the truth: There’s times when we hang out and I ain’t even there


What’s going on?

I try to check in with my soul but it seems to be gone

Painted all my days black

Hope is lost, and it’s not coming back

Missed her funeral, couldn’t stomach it

Life is brutal, life is unfair, isn’t it?


I want out, I want out

But I just got this life to live


You want my honest thoughts?

Nah, didn’t think so, that’s why my phone is off

I think I’ve faked it for so long, I can no longer tell

I’ve been pretending I am okay, but I’m living in some kind of hell

I’m so bloody miserable, can’t stand myself

But no one’s gonna come to the rescue:

You always have to save yourself


I want out, I want out

But I just got this life to live!




Hello, it’s me again

Your least favorite crazy bitch

I know you don’t want to hear from me

I swear this is my final pitch

(Ah, you know I’m full of shit..)

But seriously I’m trying to get over it!


’Cuz I realise I am completely delulu

For ever thinking I could get you

How many women do you have waiting in line?

How many women do you have on hold?

and here I am, the troll who fell for the prince

Probably the most pathetic fairytale ever told..

Haha, I guess it could be kinda funny

if this wasn’t happening to me..

But it is, so..



Yeah, so hi again

Oh, you don’t give jack shit!

and you don’t want me womansplaining my desperation or my mad desires

I swear I’m trying to get over it!

It’s just that almost every damn night

it’s you I see when I close my eyes

and you do NOT wanna know the dirty things I’ve done to you in my fantasies

Or how fed up I am that it’s all fictional

But the real tragedy is..

I’ll probably do it again tonight

(double fuck!)


‘Cuz yeah I know, I am completely delulu


For ever thinking I could have you

How many booty calls do you have on standby?

How many nudes saved in your camera roll..?

Ok, I have to remind myself again: I’m the troll in this..

This BLOODY m’fucking pathetic fairytale that’s ever been told!!


Ok, so hi hello and triple times fuck

It’s me, the troll and the psycho bitch

Of course I am shit outta luck!

I wish I’d never looked your way, honestly

and you probably wish for that too

(I know so damn well you do)

But I swear, I’m trying to get over it

I just have to stop fucking you in my mind

You don’t know how hard it is to quit!

But I swear, I swear, I SWEAR!

I am trying so hard to get over it!!


‘Cuz I was and I am completely delulu


For ever thinking I could get you

Quadruple times FUCK for the one fuck I just can’t have

Quintuple times FUCK for my mind that won’t behave

Sextuple times FUCK for, well.. Us not having any sex

And just one final, quiet, humble fuuuuckkkkk because now I’m going to bed and I’m closing my eyes and I just know I’m gonna dream about you next..


’Cuz yeah, I’m delulu

Worst is; I always knew it but it doesn’t help

’Cuz I still want you

So that’s how it goes:

Delulu, delulu, delulu


Knowing damn well I’ll never have you




Oh babygirl

To the one that made me feel

a little less alone

living with scars

that no one else can see





You’ve always been my hero

Watched you rise all the way up from zero

Now I watch as people tear you apart

Even though you can’t defend yourself

They trash and they bash you

Label you this and label you that

Think they have you all figured out

Dumb pieces of shit..

Like they could have lived through any of it..


Complicated women, the world sure love to hate us

So damn forgiving of the monsters who made us

Screw you up and then they screw you over

and even in death, they can’t let you rest in peace


Oh babygirl, babygirl

Born into a rotten world

Babygirl, babygirl

You never really knew it, but

you truly were too good, and real, and raw

for this fucked up, twisted world


Yeah, you were a special one

I can’t believe your time is done

I’m sorry for everything you went through

All the pain you never asked for

All the shit you had no choice but to take

I’m sorry for all the twists and turns of life

Everything that made you feel like you would break

But through it all you stayed true

Never afraid to show your wounds or broken parts

That kind of brutal honesty is rare

That kind of vulnerability, it’s a beautiful thing

To have felt the deepest levels of pain,

and still be able to care


Oh babygirl, babygirl

Born into a rotten world

Babygirl, babygirl

You never really knew it, but

you truly were too good, and real, and raw

for this fucked up, twisted world


It’s funny how people think they have the right to

Scrutinize every aspect of a life they’ve never lived

Even when that life is over, they stand there with their scalpels

Making incisions and dissections

You die, and they fucking butcher you!


Complicated women, the world sure love to hate us..

So damn ignorant of the monsters who made us

Use and abuse, and it doesn’t even end when we die

You killed yourself..

And not a damn soul really cares about why


But babygirl, babygirl

You were born into a rotten world

Babygirl, babygirl

You truly were to good, and real, and raw

for this fucked up, twisted world


I can’t believe all these people talking smack

She’s dead and she’s not coming back

Let her rest in peace

Let her at least have that



Dialogue with my demons




Welcome inside my head

‘Scuse the lack of light

and beware all my demons

They got razor-sharp teeth and they bite


Ok, now you’re warned, now you know

Ok, so here we go:


Crawling through the broken parts

This is my life, a million pieces on the floor

I spend all my time trying to glue something back together

I don’t want to be this broken anymore


But I am, I am, I am

You say I can be more than this

I’m not so sure if I can


Puked my guts out just to feel clean

What I flushed down the toilet, that’s a visual presentation of how I see myself

“You should not be so hard on yourself”

What does that even mean


There’s too many skeletons in my closet

I can’t even close the damn door

I don’t want this dialogue with my demons

and I don’t want to be this broken anymore..


But I am, I am, I am..

You say I can be more than this

I’m not so sure if I can


It’s hard when the evidence just keeps piling up

I’ve failed and I’ve fallen, and in the end there’s no gain

The bruises on my soul, I can’t camouflage with make-up

and no amount of tears I cry lets go of the pain

It builds up in my brain until it breaks it

I think that’s what makes me go insane


Crawling through the broken parts

This is my life, a million pieces on the floor

I think I’m ready to give it up. I think I’m losing hope

This is my life, and I’m not sure

If I even want it anymore


I don’t want to be this broken

but I am, I am, I am

You say I can be more than this

I’m not so sure if I can

I’m not so sure if I can



Ord som sårer

Er så flink til å rote meg inn i ting..

Og så dårlig på å rote meg ut av dem..

Er jeg bare tankeløs

Eller er jeg innerst inne slem..?


Hva skal jeg si nå?

Jeg har sagt det jeg hadde å si

Du skjønner det fortsatt ikke

At jeg bare ikke har noe å gi


Ba deg om å ikke rope så høyt hva som er på gang

Kunne ikke vi ha funnet ut av det først

Spiller det noen rolle om det er du eller jeg som er problemet

Det funka bare ikke

Jeg kan faen ikke gi deg noen trøst


Nå er det ødelagt,

er det ikke

Nå er de verste orda sagt

(Vi skulle holdt kjeft, vi skulle aldri ha prøvd)

Føles som å stryke til eksamen

(Vi burde testa bedre, vi burde ha øvd)

Nå synker hele skuta

Og du ser ut som om hjertet ditt har blitt kløvd


Faen, jeg trenger noen retningslinjer..

Henger ikke med når livet svinger..

Du kalte meg en engel, men jeg har horn

Horn, hale og djevelvinger


Hva skal jeg gjøre nå?

Jeg har gjort det jeg hadde å gi

Jeg vil ikke se deg sånn her

Kjenner øya begynner å svi


Og nå er det ødelagt

Er det ikke

Nå er de verste tinga gjort

(Vi skulle latt være, skulle forblitt der vi stod)

Føles som et tog-kræsj, ting gikk så alt for fort

(Du vil ha meg all-in, men jeg har ingen tro)

Nå synker hele jævla skuta

Og jeg prøvde å forklare og forsvare, men jeg ser det jo nå

at du tydeligvis ikke forstod


Jeg ønska meg aldri dine tårer

(Vet ikke med deg, men mine svir)

Jeg prøvde så hardt å veie alt jeg sa

(Men når jeg sier det høyt er det som å se kniven som glir)

Jeg ønska meg aldri dine tårer

Men uansett så blir det ord som sårer

Uansett så blir det ord som sårer


For jeg rota meg inn i noe, og nå er det over

Og alt jeg har nå er ord som sårer

Alt jeg har nå er ord som sårer..