I buried my heart in Båtsfjord

I can smell a world on fire

Overcrowded and predicted to succumb

but she was forged by flames

and lava sleeps in her womb

She’s the lovechild of the Universe

She’s running out of patience and only time will tell

if mankind has a home here or if we will be buried in her tomb

She granted us paradise, and in return we ask for hell


Stick your finger in the earth, can you feel Gaia pulsating?

She’s always watching..

Oh no, she’s not the one dying.

She can see under water.

She has spies in the air.

Even the Moon and the Sun has sworn-

to aid her in despair.

She is the child of their love affair..




Nerves are snapping like overstrung strings

There’s a beast out there in the night, spreading enormous wings

We never learn, do we..

Pay attention to the little things

and it was too late

Long ago



I buried my heart

Next to my father

Six feet under frozen ground

But I don’t get to die until it’s over


I don’t get to die before it’s over


I’ve sworn to protect her

against all forces that does not respect her

I don’t pledge allegiance to Christianity or Islam

I was chosen by the stars, I’m the daughter of a shamaan


I can smell a world on fire

The hourglass was flipped and soon

It will empty, grain by grain

We are all here on her mercy

She will decide

If we remain

‘Gator skin



I got skin like an alligator

I don’t scar easily

But you got me in a chokehold

You put a fist down my throat

Even wild beasts can get caught

and with your arm around my neck;

water weigh me down

Even predators got a weak spot,

and even alligators can drown






Is anybody keeping score?

I swear I’ve seen your face before

Why do I keep getting hit..

I don’t even know what I’m playing for



I’m still standing, even if it’s just on one knee

Do you think we’ll ever break free?

Is it too late to scream “SAVE ME”



Is it worth it in the end?

I wish I knew

I don’t like who I’m growing into



Here’s the reaper with his gun

Eclipsing the silver from the moon and the gold from the sun

But yet the game has only just begun?!

Where am I and which fucking direction should I run

and when exactly did this stopped being fun..




Sorry, you’re not the hero:




Some women

Some women are like roses, some women are like thorns..

Some women have halos, and some of us have horns..

I'm not your angel

I am the witch that broke your spell

I'm not the redeemer, I am the dragon raising hell

Did I say you could stare at me like that?

Are you admiring my tail..?

Don't look too long into my eyes

You won't like what they unveil

Are you feeling nervous..?

Do I make you feel unwell?

I know you think I taste like paradise

But baby, I was born and raised in hell



I couldn’t hate you even if I tried

And believe me, I do try..

How long are you gonna bite your tongue

Keep the truth to yourself only to serve me lies

The cards are on your table

My head is on your plate

You could change the story if you wanted to

Just like you could have changed my fate


Hate me!

Break me!

If that’s what it takes to make you

love me the way that I love you..

..The way you loved me

back when you loved me

(If you ever did love me)

Somehow it seems like you still do..

I’ve been wrong before, I could be wrong about this too


Yeah, I’m bonkers- I’m fucking crazy

But I’ve never been less crazy

Back  when I was your baby 


You said end it, I did

and still I came back for you

I didn’t even know you would still be there

and I’m sorry I forgot about you..

But you must understand that I had to

and I don’t think anyone in history

has ever had such a complicated story

So many raw wounds begging to be healed

Why do we soldier on and keep our hands to ourselves

Do we not deserve peace..?


Just set the record straight

‘Cuz it still hurts and I still wait..

Hoping time is what it takes to make you

Love me the way that I love you

The way you loved me

back when you loved me

(If you ever did love me)


It felt like you did.

Somehow it seems like you still do..



Self versus Self

Play divide and conquer

Like some Roman Emperor

You’re the tyrant, I’m the servant

The whip is in your hand

Every word you speak is another demand

You mistreat me

‘cuz you can


Because I let you, I keep walking in circles but I never walk away. You’re the bitch talking in my head- and I just let you stay


I want to rise, you say “Sit down”

I do my makeup, you say I look like a clown

Wanna make new friends, you whisper they’ll hate me

Wanna climb up, you laugh and sneer that the fall will break me

You’re the tyrant, I’m the servant

and I’ll never be free


Don’t you ever get curious

Or is your only mode furious?

If you were on my side, how far we could go?

Is the reason you linger in hatred

Because you’re afraid you already know..?


You mistreat me ‘cuz you can

Well, maybe I’m done getting slapped by my own hand

And maybe I’m done walking in circles and I’m starting to understand

The bitch talking in my head, that’s my voice right there

If it’s my voice that means I can make it disappear

Might keep walkin’ in circles but

I’ll find my way outta here


All I know

See, I’ve been thinking

and staring into the wall without blinking

Spend too much time like this

Like I barely exist

Can’t get my shit together


All I know is..

If you drag someones trust trough the dirt

Someone’s bound to get hurt


See, I was hoping

That if you’d see me actually coping

Got a little braver..

So you wouldn’t think “Save her”

Maybe we could be together

That’s crazy talkin’, but..


..All I really know is

When you gamble for more than your worth

Someone’s bound to get hurt

Just because you can

Guess you’re an angel now

Well, I liked you better back in your demon days

Are you allowed to look at me like that

Come closer and smell me, tell me again you’ve changed your ways

I won’t tell a soul if you misbehave

Oh I like it when you misbehave



Tell me you don’t miss the stench of fear or the taste of blood

Or the weight of a sword in your hand

Tell me it doesn’t feel good:

To be a savage just because you can


So you go by the book now

Well, I might have burned some pages

Don’t look at me like that

It feels good to be bad, baby

So much better than being sad

Took a while to get over

The best thing I ever had

Still I keep crawling back

Hungry and desperate for all that I lack


Tell me you don’t miss the stench of fear or the taste of blood

Or the weight of a sword in your hand

Tell me it doesn’t feel good:

To be a savage just because you can


Well, you’re still wicked since you keep stabbing my back

And I would kill you I guess, if I just knew where to attack

I can’t seen to harm that pretty face, n’or that incredible body

I want you so bad it hurts

Guess you’ll kill me first


Tell me you don’t miss the stench of fear or the taste of blood

Or the weight of a sword in your hand

Tell me it doesn’t feel good:

To be a savage just because you can

Why you hate me

You can’t seem to break me

That’s why you hate me

You kick me down I get back up

Bleeding, wounded, scarred for life maybe

But I get up and that’s why you hate me


Well maybe I’ve come to the conclusion that I hate you too

Hate your delusions and your institution

Think it’s time for a revolution

I speak the language of the underdogs and I’m fluent in rage

You know this

I did a demonstration on your stage


If we scream “WAR”

Would you face me on the battlefield

Or would you hide behind a human shield

We got unfinished business

I’ve waited all my life for this

One day you’ll have to pay

One day that day will be today


You tried so hard to break me

I’m the cockroach that got away from underneath your foot and that is why you hate me.

The serpent slithering into the dark and boy do I long to coil around your neck.

I would never kill you, darlin’. That would be to give you RESPECT.


Do you remember how you tortured me?

Well, guess what I have planned for you..

I’ll be around you every day, I know how much you hate my face..

Well my face will invade every inch of your space.

I’ll let you hate me all day, darlin’.

All day, ‘cuz I’m the one that got away and that is why you hate me.

That is why you hate me.

That is why you hate me!


Now you’re trapped so feel free to hate me.

Your hate is what imprisoned you, and now I got my hook in you.

You hate me, and darlin’ I love that you do

Guess what, I’ve learned to hate you too


Battlefield Brain

Careful what you speak

Someone’s paying REALLY close attention


That is not your friend, this is not your brother.

That’s not your lover, and you have no mother


Look into the mirror

See how your smile is like a wound?

Who’s that behind you

Don’t turn around to soon


I’m not crazy

I’m not crazy

I’m not


Be careful what you think

Before you turn it into action

Have you lost control yet

You seem to stand on the brink

Maybe you should JUMP

Your ship’s about to sink


They whisper behind your back

Someone’s making a call

Everyone is concerned

Think you should go to the hospital

It’s time to RUN


I’m not crazy

I’m NOT crazy

Am I crazy


Don’t think so damn loud

Someone is listening to every word

Dark wings are spreading over this city

Snakes are crawling in the streets

Soon the dead will stand on their feet

And you have no where left to run


Is every face familiar?

Have you been here before?

Whatever you do:

Do NOT let them lock that door


Your heart is beating way too fast

Your sanity, it can not last

Slipping, drifting, snapping nerves

Can no longer separate present from past


I’m crazy am I

Am I good or bad

I’ve lost myself

And I was all I had


I was all I had